Monday, 21 October 2013

Corporation called "ME"

Deepening your understanding of the principle of Thought, you may find out that which you may not like to hear. If it feels weird finding about who you always thought you were, you are not the only one.

Deepening my understanding, I discover consciousness awareness and myself, I see the great illusion of the individuality, I see the corporation called “ME”. This corporation, who I thought was me, is a psychological creation of thoughts that projects a sense of individuality. Everything I know, up to the point of my discovery, comes from the corporation “ME”. This corporation is a memory of knowledge, experiences, events, conditioning, likes and dislikes and all that you can ever think as your reference point.

Up to the understanding of the principle of Thought, everything that comes as a thought comes from my memory, the corporation called “Me”, everything that I think is knowledge which is the past and the conditioning, from this all my actions and reactions come.

Corporation called “Me” as any other corporation is based on self interests and it has its own aims and principles which are mostly motivated by the self- centeredness. As a main principle, it works based on awards and punishments and its plan from A to B is the way which for its success has a feeling of its own fulfillment. In the interest of the self success and fulfillment  other corporations are allowed to participate as long as they serve its main purpose.

Universe is interconnection, harmony, love and creation. Corporation “Me” is an illusion with which the intelligence is expressing the physical existence through which will then discover itself, discover love and through the physical existence, exploration and experience of being find the way home.

Corporation “Me” and our lack of understanding of its purpose, is the cause of all the suffering, fragmentation and conflicts. Understanding the principle of Thought I understand the corporation “Me” and all its boundaries. Consciousness awareness comes when the understanding is present. Although the awareness does not come and go, from the point of the corporation it appears so.

With a total understanding our thoughts become tools with which we create consciously, create with wisdom and love. This understanding is beyond grasping of the intellect as the intellect is not the intelligence, we are however conditioned to believe so and it is just not true.

With a total understanding, the corporation "Me" and the intelligence work in perfect harmony, we step out of the conditioning and the boundaries and we discover we are much, much more than who we ever thought we are. The real “ME” discovers itself, we see without the corporation screen, we see what really is.

What a magic and creation the life really is. I am, is that not enough.

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