"I am" having a dream, forgetting myself, experiencing life, relating and learning to love, finding the way home. I completely forget myself " I am" consciousness. Waking up slowly within the dream I notice I can navigate and choose my experience, well.... maybe just a perception of it is all it takes. I realize the software of thoughts and the operating system of consciousness awareness within which all that is, is happening and I taste the Intelligence, I AM being alive and having a real choice. What a beauty, compassion and knowing that you are perfect just as you are, a wish to be, to just be yourself.
Let your mind know its limitation, boundaries, beliefs, identifications, age, nationality, name, experiences, education, fears, likes and dislikes. Be aware of all the boundaries of your personal mind. Your mind, the thinker, was created by the world, society, culture, parents, friends, information. Your mind contains all the world, politeness and rudeness, peacefulness and aggressiveness.....you are the world. What we consider "individuality" is just our memory full of past experiences, knowledge and conditioning, this is not who you really are. Let your mind know it. Feel the awareness of your mind and don't confuse the content of it and the boundaries to be the awareness, it cannot be. Stay with it, feel is, taste it, be the space outside of the boundaries of your mind.
I know, you are having difficulties with the observer. You are not sure who the observer is. You are right, it is confusing.....well, it is for the personal mind. Once you taste the intelligence you will know it, you will know it does not want anything, it is rather giving and it has answers instead of questions. The observer has a motive, it may be a very sophisticated one wanting awareness and intelligence, but.......what a player, the best ever. Love is when I am (the thinker) not.
Go out of the boundaries of your personal mind, don't be afraid, you will not lose it but get a best friend, a friend for the rest of your life, the most loyal one of all. You are pure awareness, consciousness, sense the freedom of not having to be anybody and being everybody and everything. See the boundaries, see the thinker, see the observer.....they are all within you, without you nothing is possible, with you all that is just is and that is all. You have no boundaries and no limits, you are the KNOWING of all of your experiences, boundaries, all of your senses. Know " I am" rather than I am this and that. It is the truth, you just are, nothing more, noting less. You don't need a reason to be, you always are, you will always be, there is nothing you can or have to do about it. Know it.
You don't need to be somebody or something, just be who you really are. Love and happiness is your true being, your real self, your innate health and wisdom. There is nothing you can do to change that. KNOW IT.
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